Product Information
What is Zionova Treston 400?
Zionova Treston 400 is the “Thanos” of multi-anabolic, multi-estered combination injectable steroids. It combines esters of testosterone, trenbolone and masteron. Each mL contains: 100mg testosterone cypionate; 100mg testosterone enanthate; 75mg trenbolone acetate; 75mg masteron propionate; 50mg testosterone propionate. Due to the multiple esters used the androgenic to anabolic ratio ranges from 40-500/60-500. The estrogenic activity is moderate and progestational activity is low. The half-life is approximately 12 days and is detectable for up to 3 months. Fusion offers Treston 400 in a 10mL/400mg vial.
What does Treston 400 do?
Increased strength and ability to gain dry lean mass, improved muscle fullness, recovery and enhanced lipolysis. Output of IGF-1 levels increased along with red blood cell production. Improved protein synthesis and nitrogen retention. Decreased cortisol output from inhibition of glucocorticoid hormones. A lowering of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) raises free testosterone. The multiple esters used in Treston 400 allow for anabolics to be released as quickly as over a few days and as delayed out to a couple weeks.
Side Effects:
Suppression of testosterone, possible aromatization into estrogen, oily skin, male pattern baldness, body and facial hair growth can occur. Night sweats may occur, insomnia and for some an increase in aggression that potentially alters natural mood. Females need to be concerned with potential virilization effects along with skin texture being affected, menstrual cycle disruption, a potential deepening of the voice, and clitoral enlargement. HDL cholesterol is potentially lowered and LDL cholesterol increased. While subcutaneous fat loss is seen easily there is a possibility of visceral fat being stored. Including a high quality EPA/DHA fish oil (4-6g/day) can assist with keeping cholesterol in healthy levels while on a cycle. As with other anabolic steroids it also recommended for the consistent user to give blood regularly to avoid polycythaemia, a thickening of the blood.
Reason to take Zionova Treston 400:
Individuals looking to gain strength, size and have an improved recovery ability. Power, speed and endurance are other characteristics positively affected. An increase in fat loss is expected to be seen along with a harder look to the muscles.
How to use Zionova Treston 400?
Doses will be determined by the goal and experience of the user. Due to the short acting esters of trenbolone acetate and masteron propionate individuals need to inject at least 2x per week if not 3x per week. One could start with a ½ mL 3x per week for less experienced users while those more experienced may push the envelope to 1 mL 3x per week. Treston 400 cycles tend to run in the 6-12 week length time frame. Some users may include an oral such as dianabol or anadrol if more pure mass is their goal or if the individual is more focused on leaning out may use winstrol or anavar for 4-6 weeks within the cycle. A proper post-cycle therapy is recommended or a transition to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) needs to take place.